Found this on a walk around my parents neighborhood. Light hit the sign just right.

Hey there world, it's been a while.
So, I'm back living in the mainland after moving away from Guam. It was a long 12 years in Guam and a long 17 years total away from home, but I'm back now and working towards settling back into life here. I'd be lying if I said that the adjustment period has been easy; because it hasn't. My other half is still out in Guam, hopefully here by the end of the year as she gets her stuff sorted and ready to move. Meanwhile, I'm staying with the parents until I get back up on my feet. I've been looking for places for the other-half and myself when I can...need to have a place ready to go for when she gets here so I'm not imposing too much on my parents. I'm getting settled into a new job and a new/old environment and remembering what it's like to do simple things such as driving down the interstate.
Beyond that, I feel like I've now settled in enough to actually start taking photos again. I'm working my way through the last few exposures on my 800 speed film and, although taking a bit longer, working my way through my 50 speed film. I've noticed that I take film photos at a snails pace though; ensuring that any and all photos I take with the film cameras are worth actually shooting. Because of that, I carry around my Ricoh GR3 Street as well just so that I can still shoot images that aren't necessarily good enough to use film on...can't waste those exposures, ya know. However, due to the stress of this move, I haven't been paying much attention to the world around me, more stuck inside my own head instead of looking around for photos.

The car I shipped from Guam, now finally here.

I am working on keeping my head on a swivel though, trying to take more photos and being more proactive about shooting when the mood strikes me. I just have to ignore that nuisance of a voice in the back of my head that doubts my ability. I've considered using Instagram or Social Media again but I think that's what got me into this mess in the first place. Doubting myself because of the lack of engagement on my Social Media.
Regardless of the reason, I'm going to try to get out there and shoot again. At least one photo a day. Getting back to carrying my camera(s) around with me again and taking photos of the world around me and what I see through my eyes. After all, that was the original purpose, no?
Anyway, wanted to get this post out there. Until next time.
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