Hi internet. It's been a while. It's me, Chris.
I haven't posted much Photography works in a long time. Mostly because I've lost the drive to go out and shoot on an active, or even semi-active, basis. I've been caught up with varying different things such as work, real life issues, and video games. Which isn't really better than pursuing my creative aspirations.
However, yesterday morning when I was getting around for work after a fairly heavy rain, I saw this little guy scooting his way down my railing. Something that I haven't had an urge to do popped up again and that was to grab the Ricoh GR3 that I bought (and have barely used) and snap a photo of the lil dude. I didn't think much of it until I transferred it to my phone later that evening and then computer and saw the STUNNING detail that the camera had managed to capture. For probably the first time in ages, I felt that old passion rekindle in my chest. That helped me to realize that it's still there, somewhere, and I just have to get out there and find it again.
Whether or not that means I'm going to be even bothering with shooting or not, I'm not sure. But I'm certainly going to be keeping my eye out for some new shots again. Maybe it's time to pick up the ol' camera(s) and get to work again.
Not to mention, there are some other possibly interesting turns in my life coming up and a camera might be the only company I have for a long time. So it's possible it'll be a good outlet for some stressors that I could possibly have coming up...stressors that I haven't had to deal with before and will very soon. Uncharted territory.
One last note for anyone reading this that might've followed me on Instagram or Facebook: I've abandoned Instagram and Facebook. I haven't deleted the pages but I won't be using them moving forward. The privacy concerns on "Meta" platforms notwithstanding, I'm not too keen on them having permissions to use my work without my express permission. So from here on, I'll be uploading any shots that I take here and possibly some of them on my Twitter (but not all).
Hope to be posting here more often. Until then, internet. See you soon.
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